I am so excited to be doing one of my very first interviews with indie author Tina Boscha.  Hello, Tina and welcome, I am so happy that you are sharing your time with us today.



I grew up in the Midwest, the youngest of four kids. My parents emigrated from “Fries land”, Netherlands (where River in the Sea is set) and decided to find a place even colder to settle: Wisconsin. That said, the Midwest and the southeastern corner of the dairy state are near and dear to my heart.  I’ve joined the growing ranks of writers going the indie route; look for my novel River in the Sea on your e-reader (or in print, if you are so inclined) via Amazon, B & N, Smashwords, and more soon. I’m doing this with the blessing of myagent, Curtis Russell of PS Literary. I expect I’ll have a lot to say on the indie publishing sojourn but right now all I know is that I am excited to see how it turns out!

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

My earliest writing-related memory was when I was about five or six. I distinctly remember being in the car with my mom and brother, and we were in a bank drive-through lane. My mom was asking Ricky and me what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I said, “An author and an artist.” Honestly, I think I have always wanted to be a writer. It’s a funny thing, too, because where did that come from? How did I just know? I kind of like that magical mysterious part of it.

I read on your website that you live in Oregon, in an “itty bitty town” called Willamette, with your husband and your two step-daughters. So do they or the town provide inspiration for your writing?

Absolutely! For my current WIP, my little farming town of about 1600 is the setting. Oregon in general is a pretty amazing place to live. In a half hour we can be paddle boarding in the Willamette River, and with another half hour of driving we can be at the ocean. Go an hour the other way and you are in the mountains. All this beautiful nature makes Oregon a romantic place. But the people themselves are unique (just go to Eugene for a day, lol) which adds a different vibe altogether. It’s hard not to be inspired.
Plus there’s just the aspect of living in the country with not much more than the sound of birds and my own household filling the day. I find that very conducive to writing (or, at my procrastinating best, thinking about writing). For River in the Sea, my parents’ homeland was the biggest inspiration. There really just is no other place like Fries land.

I also read that you credit much of your success to The Center for the Study of Women in society. Could you share a bit on that experience?

CSWS made it possible for me to write this book, period. I was able to do a lot of drafting on my own – I tend to write in very short bursts, and get a lot of words on the page pretty quickly – but revision is a whole different story. It takes time and effort and a huge load of concentration. CSWS supports research projects of many different natures, provided they advance their mission of disseminating research about gender, culture, and inequality. I thought it was a stretch when I submitted my proposal to them about River in the Sea, but they were hugely supportive. Through the grant, I had a full summer to just focus on the work. It was more than just financial. Getting something like that is a huge boost to a writer’s confidence. They are an amazing part of the University of Oregon (where I teach).

Tell us about your novel, River In The Sea.

My favorite question! I think I always knew I would write this book, even though it took me quite some time to figure out what it would look like. I like to describe it as a coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of war, where a seemingly ordinary 15-year-old girl must make extraordinary decisions and in turn, become extraordinary herself. It’s a novel that will make you cry, but not just for sadness. (If a book doesn’t make me at least tear up, I’m not a fan!)

Can you tell us what was your inspiration for you book?

My parents! Specifically, my mother. I grew up hearing the most amazing stories of her childhood. The only other kids I knew who had parents that grew up during World War II were my cousins. Together we heard about young men hiding in hollowed-out potato heaps, throwing bicycles in the canal rather than give them up to raiding soldiers, a downed pilot landing in a field. It was fodder to my imagination. As I grew older, I started to see the significance and just the utter trauma of what it must have been like, and I knew I had to write that story. World War II fiction can be tough, because there is a lot of it – and for good reason. But I also wanted to honor a different side of WWII that often isn’t depicted: the domestic.

What advice would you give aspiring writers like myself?

First of all, write! Figure out a process that works for you and you alone, and do it. Even if all you can manage is 250 words a day. It takes no time at all (especially if you use something like Write or Die), and beyond that, you won’t believe how fast that adds up. But beyond all else, remember you have options. I spent years feeling pretty depressed about not being published, but now? It’s a whole different world. There are many avenues to publication and I urge every writer to research them. Don’t rush the process – put out good work – but now the world is your oyster. So get writing!

Well,  I wanted to say, I am so pleased to have had you on my blog today and I wanted to thank you for being here with all of us today. I hope to have you back here again soon!    Remember, if you want to know more about Tina Boscha please go to:



Amazon Purchase link below: 


website/blog  www.tinaboscha.com

Twitter: @TinaBoscha

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41 thoughts on “Interview with Indie Author Tina Boscha

  1. Wow…Loved this interview. I have read Tina’s River in the Sea and am a huge fan. I enjoyed learning more about what inspired Tina to write this amazing novel. Fantastic interview! 🙂

    1. Dear Sarah,

      I am so glad you loved the interview, and yes her book River in the Sea is amazing, and I can understand why you are such a huge fan! Thanks again! I really enjoyed it!

      Syl Stein

    1. Dear Melissa,

      Yes it was so wonderful to get to know Tina! I also agree that parents are a big part of the inspiration for our books. This is why I think “River in the Sea” is such a great story. Thanks so much Melissa!

  2. Inspiring interview, well done! From this it has introduced me to the Write or Die app, which I feel may beceome a useful tool. I look forward to reading ‘River in the Sea’.

    1. Dear missuswolf ( Gemma)

      I am so glad that you loved the interview, and I am glad from this you were introduced to the Write or Die App, and I agree it will be useful. I also think Tina Boscha’s book is a must read!

      Syl Stein

  3. What a fantastic interview! I can’t wait to read “River in the Sea”! Understanding the inspiration for a particular work of an author truly adds another layer to the story! Great job!

    1. Dear Juliette,

      Thanks so much. I am so glad you thought the interview was fantastic! I also agree with you it definitely adds another layer to the story when you understand the inspiration for a particular work which in this case was Tina Boscha’s amazing Book!

      Syl Stein

    1. Dear Joyce,

      Thanks so much Joyce, and I am glad you liked the interview. I am so glad you also got to connect with Tina Boscha’s Story since you lived in the Netherlands yourself and I also agree that her book is very enjoyable! Looking forward to your interview as well!

      Syl Stein

  4. Great interview! Tina, my mother’s family is from Oregon and I spent several summers there. There is nothing like the Oregon coast, wow, I need to get back there. I can’t wait to read your book–and your WIP sounds fantastic as well. Keep up the great work.

  5. Loved the interview, especially what you said about a book making you tear up. I so agree. Plus, I loved your story about knowing you wanted to be a writer at such an early age.

    And on top of the lovely interview, the book sounds amazing. I can’t wait to check it out!

  6. I just wanted to thank Indie Author Tina Boscha for this amazing Interview and also to Melissa Foster’s Awesome Support Team, and I also appreciate all the positive comments on this Interview! Thanks so so much!

    1. Dear Tina,

      thank you so much, and your most welcome and I really enjoyed it and I am glad you approved! Aww thanks Tina Boscha, I hope to have you on again! This means alot and thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments!


  7. Hi Sylvia: Very nicely done! I enjoyed Tina’s responses to the questions, particularly the ones in which she discussed her home town as inspiration for River in the Sea. It’s wonderful reading about the midwest and other parts of the United States and the world in general because it gives us all different perspectives as we read fine works.

    1. Dear Amanda,

      Thanks so much, I am glad you enjoyed the interview and I also enjoyed how she spoke about her home town as an inspiration for her her book River in the Sea! And I agree, thanks again!

      Syl Stein

  8. A fantastic interview, thanks Sylvia and Tina! It was great to find out more about Tina and her book. I’m really looking forward to reading River In The Sea. Yes, there is a lot of war fiction out there, but it’s such a rich source of stories that I don’t think the well will ever dry up. Can’t wait to get stuck in!

  9. I really enjoyed the interview sis. You never seize to amaze me. I liked the fluidity of the interview. I think you covered most of the important questions and they were very well articulated. Please do keep writing like the Indy author suggests. Love, your bro, Ramon.

    1. thanks so much Bro, this means so much, you made my day! I am glad you loved the interview, and thanks for the support! I really loved doing this interview with Tina Boscha and that I have had such a positive response! thank you!

      love your sis,


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